Rocket Scientists

A small guild of the Rocket Pool community's technical contributors

About the Rocket Scientists

The Rocket Scientists are a group of early and passionate community contributors to the technical aspect of Rocket Pool.

Members have actively contributed to everything from research, documentation, smartnode improvements, and sharing their skills with the community.

You can recognise a Rocket Scientist by their Discord role and yellow screen name.

Who are the Rocket Scientists?

Ken Smith

Ken Smith is the principal of NextBlock Solutions, a blockchain consulting company that provides training and educational services to web3 organizations. Ken is an Ethereum node operator using the Rocket Pool protocol and serving in as a Rocket Scientist with Rocket Pool since 2021. Ken has been active in the Ethereum and other blockchain communities since 2014.


Author of the Rocket Pool Investment Thesis (RPIT) and RPIT 2.0


Deeply involved in governance, thinking technically about future direction, bizdev, and shitposting.

Val is a relative newcomer to crypto (early 2022) who got hooked by RP. IMC treasurer, RPIP editor, PRs on documentation and RP smart contracts, embarrassingly active on the forums, #governance, and #general -- always looking for the next highest value item to work on, and reducing friction towards progress. Val is an engineer in real life and trains his cats -- both are relevant skillsets here.


Involved in the Rocket Pool community since the 2020 Medalla beta. Passionate about the Ethereum beacon chain & node operating, focusing on Rocket Pool protocol research and governance. Father of two and software developer by day.


Node Operator and Rocket Pool enthusiast since 2021. Author of vfvm, deploy_auditor, and Contributor to and maintainer of Rocket Rescue Node. Contributor to Maintainer of @faucet-bot. Pizza addict and feline foster parent.


RocketPool enthusiast since 2020. Author of eth-docker. Node running is my business, started through connections in the RocketPool Discord. Founding member of the oDAO and not part of the RPS oDAO node.


Member of the community since March 2021. Passionate about security. Spent a few hours in #support helping fellow NOs. Contributed to community projects, and research topics such as forced exits: split-keys and bls-vess. Contributor to Rocket Rescue Node.

dΞΞtoo (hΞ/him)

dΞΞtoo is a longtime Rocket Pool community member and node operator; he also serves as a moderator on the Rocket Pool subreddit.


Rocket Pool Discord moderator

Mentor Palokaj

Maker of the Rocketeers, wrote most of the Rocket Pool security and third party monitoring guides. Web2/3 developer at POAP, OnionDAO, and

About the oDAO

The Rocket Scientists run one of Rocket Pool's oDAO nodes. We've of course taken care to run minority clients.